Walmart Produce Clerk Job Description: Duties, Future, and Salary

    Clerk Job At Walmart, jobs are found in various departments, such as bakery, grocery, clothing, automotive, arts and crafts, etc. The produce clerk works in the produce department that contains fresh fruits and vegetables. This clerk stocks the produce section with fresh items every day and maintains an attractive display to customers. Here are some information regarding  the job description which includes duties, future, and salary of Walmart produce clerk

    Walmart Produce Clerk Job Description

    Job Duties

    Walmart produce clerks mainly work in the produce section, stocking up bins with fresh fruits and vegetables. They group similar items together and place special sale items near the front. Clerks must place the correct brand labels on certain foods and write the correct prices on the price labels.

    Produce items are highly perishable, so clerks must check the items daily for signs of spoilage. In this section, they maintain a certain temperature to keep the vegetables cool and turn on the sprinklers whenever needed. Produce clerks are required to be clean at all times and use proper sanitary measures, such as washing vegetables that have fallen on the ground.

    Produce clerks handle the ordering, delivery and receiving of all produce items. They order new items when the current supply is running low and receive items once they are delivered by truck. Using the invoice, they account for every item that was bought, making sure that it was received on time and in good condition.


    Produce clerks are required to have an extensive knowledge of the store’s product list. They are expected to know which products have just arrived, which items are running low in supply and which ones are arriving soon. Customers depend on the store associates to give them honest, updated product information.

    Produce clerks interact with customers regularly and need good verbal communication skills. They use good sales skills to recommend the right products to customers. When clerks are not talking to people, they are moving items around, and they must be able to lift at least 30 pounds. The clerks maintain a high level of cleanliness in the produce department, so they are always looking for items to clean from food to storage bins.

    At some Walmart stores, produce clerks provide grocery delivery services. They receive orders that require them to pack up groceries and deliver them to different homes. For this position, they need a driver’s license and competent driving skills.

    Job Outlook

    Jobs at Walmart offer high salaries and remain highly competitive. Walmart has more than 11,000 stores across the globe that earn $486 billion dollars in revenue. In addition, Walmart provides jobs to approximately 2.3 million workers with more than half of these jobs located in the U.S.

    Walmart produce clerks are plentiful in the U.S. and in one of the 28 countries where the stores operate. Hourly associates can train to become general or assistant store managers. Produce clerks can train to become produce department managers or produce buyers.


    The average salary for a Walmart produce clerk is $8-12 an hour. The average annual salary is $18,500 to $26,500. The final salary rate depends on the employee’s location, skills and previous retail experience.

    Ensure your Online  Walmart application has the best chance of success by reading this article on writing your best job application letter

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