Forever 21 Application

    Forever 21 ApplicationForever 21 Application – Forever 21 Employment

    Forever 21 is an international chain of high-end retail stores which specializes in fashion for teens and young adults. Founded in Los Angeles, California in 1984, it now manages 480 stores around the world. With around 30,000 employees worldwide, it achieved sales in excess of $3.4 billion in 2012.

    For those who want to pursue a Forever 21 application, the company seeks store associates who are fashion forward in outlook and mirroring their clientele. Store employees should be able to discuss fashion trends and recommend clothes to customers. Prospective candidates can fill up the Forever 21 application online form to apply.

    Forever 21 Job Application Online

    Those who want to submit their Forever 21 application can apply online through their career web page: Among other things, after submitting a Forever 21 application online the applicant will have to wait for the company to get in touch with them through their contact information. Besides the application for Forever 21, the Careers page also gives valuable advice for prospective applicants.

    The company is in continuous search of new employees who share the same philosophies and fashion sense as the store. As the company is in continuous expansion with new stores being launched almost every six months, entry-level positions for store operations are almost always open. For those interested in a career in a high-end retail chain, they can submit their Forever 21 job application.

    Forever 21 Careers And Income

    Starting from entry-level positions can lead to successful Forever 21 careers with advancement to management positions. The company promotes from within their ranks of store personnel. In addition, Forever 21 is always looking out for new talent. Currently, it opens a new store every six months. This means that there are always new openings for all levels of store staff, including supervisors and managers.

    Forever 21 Assistant Managers earn $30,000 to $40,000 annually while Store Managers earn $45.000 to $55,000 annually. Eligible employees also get bonuses and profit sharing. Depending on the individual’s package and the franchise owner, employees may also have commissions on sales. The actual salary depends on the store location, and employee work experience. Store management typically entails customer relations, training of personnel, sales monitoring, documentation, filing and records keeping, scheduling and managing staff, and general store operations and other administrative functions.

    Like other retail chains, corporate headquarters jobs are in support of the sales functions at the stores. Jobs at corporate headquarters include IT, architectural/store design, inventory, sales and marketing, public relations, inventory controls, logistics and merchandising, HR, accounting and other administrative functions. Forever 21’s salary rates compares favorably with the rest of the fashion retail industry.

    Prospective applicants to managerial positions or for jobs at headquarters and regional offices can fill up the Forever 21 application form online.

    Apply At Forever21 – Basic Advice

    Before filling up the Forever 21 job application form, it is best if the applicant researches about the company, its employees and its customers. Those who seek employment at Forever 21 are expected to have an appreciation and knowledge of fashion. Although not everyone has a keen fashion sense, it would be an advantage once the applicant is accepted into a store job. The store focuses on a core market of teens and young adults, and the store’s inventory reflects the dynamics of this age group. The typical Forever 21 customer is very loyal to the brand and looks forward to the store’s fashion trends.

    Store employees expect that there is a high turnover of merchandise, styles and inventory. The clothes are predominantly designed for the younger set. Store employees should have good people skills as they would be in contact with Forever 21 customers.

    Besides being knowledgeable in fashion, store associates are also expected to be able to communicate on the same level as their customers. Although Forever 21 is regarded as a high-end fashion retailer, it has made its mark as a laid back store where the staff knows about current fashion among young adults. This includes stock knowledge about clothes, accessories and textiles.

    Forever 21 has maintained its own sense of style. It is distinctive and classy, evoking images of young adults and teens. At the same time, it has become an alternative destination for petite sized women of all ages. It has maintained its sense of being fashionable without being much too forward. Forever 21 has created a niche market which a lot of competitors have been trying to emulate.

    It is important for applicants to impress the interviewer with knowledge of the company and its products. It is also important to convey the applicant’s enthusiasm and motivation to work for Forever 21. All things being equal, a highly motivated individual would have a better chance at getting hired.

    Like most other application process, the Forever 21 application process includes an interview. In this case, there would be instances when the interview would be conducted in batches of 10 to 15. The questions asked are fairly standard and most other companies use the same approach and the same questions. These include questions about personal challenges, job experiences, and personal goals. Though there are supposed to be no wrong answers, it does help the applicant to answer truthfully and confidently.

    Apply At Forever21 – Advanced Tips

    The Forever 21 application process follows the standard application process of most companies. The applicant is asked to fill up an application form, or they apply by filling up the Forever 21 online application. After an initial assessment, the applicants are given aptitude examinations and evaluations, followed by group, individual or panel interviews.

    Group interviews are conducted as an open discussion. The participants are encouraged to answer questions and to participate and are assessed accordingly. With the aim of the interviewer to assess the candidates, there is necessarily some comparison with the other candidates. It is up to the candidate to show motivation, trainability, aptitude, people skills and being an all-around personable applicant. Being knowledgeable about the industry, fashion trends, clothing and textiles, and about Forever 21 would be a good help during the interviews.

    The group interviews bring out the character of the candidate. Other personality traits like being helpful, or being able to explain something clearly, or the ability to use charm in certain situations are little touches which would get the attention of the interviewer. The overall interaction with the rest of the group would also stand out in memory when it comes time to evaluate the group interview. Usually, in group interviews, it is a matter of showing the greatest potential among all the other candidates that would help in getting the job. The applicant has to be wary, however, of being too pushy or being a know-it-all to the detriment of the group, as being abrasive would not help score high marks.

    It would help to break the ice if the applicant were to discuss clothes, specifically, what types of clothes that individual wears. Off tangent, the discussion can also go towards what customers are wearing, and whether this is the same style that Forever 21 would be pursuing. In the world of fashion, the only constant is change. Forever 21, as a fashion retailer recognizes that they must be able to fulfill their clients’ requirements for new fashion. In this sense, Forever 21 has maintained its leadership by bringing fashion to its young customers, without alienating older patrons.

    The Forever 21 style is almost conservative considering that it targets a young demographic. It should also be noted that although the styles are trendy they also tread a thin line between teeny-bopper and dated. The conservative approach to Forever 21 design is wholly the decision of its founder. This is not a place for punk, emo, or any rebellious undertones. The brightly lit displays belie a clean cut image which fits well with the younger market. Forever 21 applicants have to keep in mind that the fashion is for a certain age group, and it also attracts older customers. Getting them to buy a certain fashion takes some work in understanding what the customer really wants and needs. Forever 21 would be looking out for applicants who are on their toes and able to see these opportunities.

    The Forever 21 employment application process itself does reflect the company culture; however, in order to provide the best service for its customers, it is also an effective screening process.

    Forever21 Benefits

    As part of its commitment to give its employees competitive pay, Forever 21 also offers a comprehensive list of perks and benefits. Employees are given flexible work schedule, opportunities for paid training, career growth opportunities and discounts on Forever 21 merchandise. They also have a casual dress code.

    Besides the above average pay scale, qualified full-time employees are also given other financial options in their employee benefits package. Other benefits include health benefits, life insurance and disability benefit coverage and financial planning assistance. Other health benefits include paid vacation time off, holiday pay and sick leaves. Financial planning assistance include 401(K) retirement plan, and eligible employees are also given a profit sharing program and bonus incentives. The health care coverage generally includes vision, dental and medical insurance.

    Because a large number of stores are franchises, the benefits packages are not standardized for all employees. Franchise store employees may have a set of packages different from employees of company-owned stores. In addition, due to eligibility requirements, some of the perks and packages are only offered to qualified employees. Variations in local and state laws and regulations should also result in differences in benefits packages between stores.

    Things To Know About Forever21

    The company was founded by Do Won Chang and his wife Jin Sook Chang, South Korean immigrants who wanted to establish a store to sell Korean fashion to the Los Angeles Korean community. In 30 years, it has grown to a chain of 480 stores located on three continents. This was achieved without any mergers or acquisitions of competing chains or like stores. The growth in the number of stores was internally fed, due to the popularity of the product line.

    The resulting popularity of the merchandise and the store’s marketing style has made it popular abroad as well. The allure of a young market has made the company grow through the strength of its franchises.

    Before it became a chain of stores, it was formerly known as Fashion 21. The Fashion 21 name is still in use in the signage of the chain’s first store. Most of the early stores were stand-alone shops:   Although lately, most of the newly launched locations are located inside malls. This is a trend which is happening with other branches abroad.

    Adding fuel for growth are franchise stores. Most Forever 21 stores overseas are franchises. Although primarily a store for young women, teen girls and young men, the Forever 21 group of companies also caters to other demographics. It is interesting to note that although the company started out marketing Korean fashion to the Korean community in Los Angeles, it has localized its approach to a more culturally diverse market. No longer heavily dependent on Korean fashion trends, the retail chain maintains a distinctive design which appeals to a young target market. It has carved a niche which is truly Forever 21.

    Even with its franchises, the store maintains its own distinctive look. This ensures that all branches have a common look-and-feel no matter where these may be located. The target market of teens to young adults may also have contributed to its popularity. The preppy colors and styles help define the younger generation and their choice of clothes. It can be said that although the store has been catering to the same demographics, loyal customers do not necessarily move on, but instead bring in their own children who have now become the new or current target market.

    Since it was founded in 1984, Korean fashion has gone mainstream, almost in the same manner as Japanese pop fashion. Today’s Forever 21 merchandise is no longer all from Korea. A survey of Forever 21 stores would show that the merchandise has a distinct style unique to the retail chain. At the same time it has moved from being culturally representative of Korean fashion and has become a top-notch store with a loyal following.

    Forever 21 Careers Page:


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